Aug 31, 2012

Fun Fact

You may have noticed that I don't have any real pictures of myself on here. It's not out of a desire for anonymity or because I'm a secret spy. I just do not react well to cameras. At all. The minute someone points a camera at me, my eyes squint shut, my mouth drops open into a strange attempt at smiling, and I don't know what to do with my hands. I look like a fish that is trying to imitate a happy human. A fish with confused hands. Anyway, this reaction occurs with alarming potency when I attempt a self portrait. It is not pretty guys.

To fix this girl-without-a-face-problem my blog has, I've enlisted the help of a photographer friend. Hopefully she can coax out of me an emotion other than panic when we do this photoshoot. If not, I think I'll just pretend I look strikingly like Kate Middleton and put pics of her on this ole blog. Just imagine the Duchess saying the things I write. Hmmm, I might do this anyway. It sounds amazing. But then again, I don't want to draw the anger of the Queen. And that's a handy personal motto for daily living.

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