Sep 13, 2012

"Pretend It's Tuesday" Tunesday #4

From the Chelsea Victoria Etsy shop

Tuesday Tunesday is happening on a Thursday because I had some wonderful distractions at the beginning of this week. On Monday I had a second job interview and Tuesday I found out that I am now officially employed with an amazing company! The best part is, this company seems to really appreciate their employees. I've had too many terrible jobs so this will be a welcome relief. (But terrible jobs usually produce hilarious stories. I think I'll share some of mine with you tomorrow. Get ready.)

To celebrate my new job, the boyfriend treated me to tofu pad thai. I could eat it for every meal of every day. Seriously. Then we came home, listened to some lovey dovey music, and cuddled up with the pup. A perfect ending to a wonderful day. I'm so grateful for my two handsome gentlemen. 

I've been feeling so positive lately. I'm excited for where I am in my life right now and where I'm going. My mind is full of possibilities and my heart is full of love. Here is a short and sweet playlist of my favorite happy love songs so you can feel as sappy as I do right now. Enjoy!

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